Beautiful Fate


When we are faced with something that is out of our control, we humans can feel vulnerable and insecure.
These may be the most uncertain times of our lives, and despite speculation and expert advise, nobody really knows exactly what will be.

But often in life our plans, wishes and dreams don’t turn out the way we had expected. Sometimes, for the better and sometimes maybe not so much. Although what seemed a terrible outcome at the time, on reflection often was a blessing after all. Right?

My beliefs, past experiences, and meditation allow me to trust that there is reason for everything. Huge lessons to learn in this moment in history for the human race. I have a faith that all will be well, if not much better.

In fact, already we are seeing huge kindness and caring. Each day Mother Nature is claiming back what’s rightfully hers and we are even connecting with her more, losing our fake and false props. Those we held in high regard have been replaced by those who really deserve to be, because they are saving lives, not highlighting lack in our own.

We are learning that we are human, we are all the same, no matter our status, colour, creed. I believe that our souls, who reside beneath our humanness are all unconditionally loving, all knowing and unbreakable. When we connect from the soul and work from that energy we know anything is possible and have no fear of uncertainty. #inspirationalquotes


Beautiful Personal Space


Beautiful Preparation