Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Health
Meditation, it’s better than sitting around doing nothing. It’s also good for you physically, including boosting your immune system. When we are stressed and anxious, hormones cortisol and adrenaline are pumped too quickly through our bodies. If this happens too often, our adrenal glands become exhausted and this damages our immune system.
Beautiful Humanity
In these uncertain and frightening times, it’s so comforting to be reminded that there is still good in this World.
Beautiful Fate
When we are faced with something that is out of our control, we humans can feel vulnerable and insecure.
Beautiful Preparation
As we continue living this somewhat different life, it seems everyone is experiencing things differently.
Beautiful Music
Every day when I go for my walk, I plug into my AirPods and fill my head with music. Yesterday, I listened to my eldest son Alex’s latest mix, which just made me feel so much better!
Beautiful (Virtual) Hug
So many of us will be missing seeing our families and friends this weekend, me included.