Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Announcement
I’m so excited to finally share with you a project I have been working in for the last few months. I have recorded 5 new mastered guided meditations for Loose Women host Andrea McLean’s wonderful website for women, This Girl is On Fire!
Beautiful Health
Meditation, it’s better than sitting around doing nothing. It’s also good for you physically, including boosting your immune system. When we are stressed and anxious, hormones cortisol and adrenaline are pumped too quickly through our bodies. If this happens too often, our adrenal glands become exhausted and this damages our immune system.
Beautiful Humanity
In these uncertain and frightening times, it’s so comforting to be reminded that there is still good in this World.
Beautiful Fate
When we are faced with something that is out of our control, we humans can feel vulnerable and insecure.
Beautiful Preparation
As we continue living this somewhat different life, it seems everyone is experiencing things differently.
Beautiful (Virtual) Hug
So many of us will be missing seeing our families and friends this weekend, me included.
Beautiful Thought - Are you a spectator or a player in life?
It’s sometimes incredibly hard to become motivated when we feel so far away from the life that you want or feel you should have. We glance at others who seem to be having an amazing life, and it can feel so far from reality for us.
Beautiful Ritual - The Shamanic way to get rid of negativity
Shaman have been walking this Earth longer than any other spiritual group. They are said to originate from Scandinavia, but most us associate them with South America.
It’s hard to describe Shaman in a few short sentences, but I consider them to be powerful medicine healers who work with the elements and our energy. But when you really look into it, it actually makes perfect sense.
Beautiful Soul - How to connect with you inner-self
There two people inside you, the first is controlled by the brain, that sponge in your head that has absorbed information. Every experience, everything you have been taught and told throughout your life, is stored in that sponge.
Beautiful Thought - Finding a bridge to a happier life. Dealing with depression, anxiety and emotional pain.
There isn’t a person on this planet who hasn’t had a bad day. Some have bad weeks and some fight every day to wade through depression, anxiety and emotional pain.
Beautiful Growth - Who are you?
You are not a drop on the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop -Rumi
When we practice meditation, we are cleansing our minds and it is a time for self reflection. Who am I? A question some of us have asked more than any other.