Beautiful You!
Beautiful You - Firstly, you are amazing! Not the kind of amazing that makes you better than someone else, but the amazing that makes you...well you.....unique, wonderful, incredible you!
Right from the beginning, we were all given a head start in the amazing stakes. From the miracle of conception to our birth, what an extraordinary journey you’ve accomplished? Then you took your first breath, and life on Earth began, and despite all the ups and downs you’re here! Every single event and experience, every spoken word you have heard, and every emotion you have felt has shaped who you are today. What your morals and values are, how you see your world, who you think you are. But what about the unwanted baggage you have picked up along your path?
The “faults” you dislike about yourself? The bad habits, the fears that cause you anxiety, the attachments you just can’t let go of? For some of us, sometimes life becomes too much, and somewhere along the way our complex mind may choose a coping mechanism which may bring comforting rituals. Addictions, eating disorders, insomnia, stress and anxiety, phobias, OCD and many more, are all our mind’s “coping mechanisms”.
When working with my clients, I look beyond the behaviour, reaction or habit and together we seek the source of the problem. Note, going back into your past doesn’t have to be painful, indeed my work is designed to liberate my client and their view of their past, opening their heart and mind to a new perspective. This in turn allows the client to LET GO of their comforters. Sounds crazy, but some of the unhealthiest choices are our subconscious’ friend. Solve the route cause and the mind doesn’t seek to cross addict into another unhealthy choice.
If you would like to understand more about yourself, and let go of anything that is keeping you stuck, allow me to help. I work face to face or on line, one to one or in groups. Remember you are amazing and you deserve the best life....for you! #hypnotherapy #nlp #meditation #talkingtherapy