Beautiful (Virtual) Hug
So many of us will be missing seeing our families and friends this weekend, me included. Although I don’t see my sons and their girlfriends every day normally, knowing I can’t them is still tough.
Perhaps the restriction of not seeing our loved ones, makes us feel all the more grateful when we do?
For now, this holiday weekend, we must try to reassure ourselves that we will see our families and friends again. Hope that they are safe and well and that this distance from them is keeping them that way.
Perhaps, plan how you will get together when this is all over, visualise how you feel. Expand that feeling to talking to our neighbours, our community, our colleagues. Promising ourselves we will never take for granted those moments again. How many day to day things would you have moaned about before and would be delighted to be able to do right now?
Send a virtual hug to everyone this weekend, imagine sending unconditional love from your heart. Close your eyes, open your heart, and imagine that love as a light. Let it surround you, then send it to everyone, those you love, those you know, and those you don’t know. Send love out into the World. #meditation