Beautiful Healthy Coffee!
Just one cup of Exhale Coffee, is the equivalent in antioxidants to 55 oranges, or 2.2kg of kale or 12 punnets of blueberries!
Over the years, I have made a number of healthier choices, giving up meat, dairy, sugar and alcohol. All were easy for me to wave goodbye to, but coffee seems to be my one vice. I tried for almost a year, but the aroma got the better of me and I finally gave in to my morning treat. Decaf just wasn’t going to cut it for me, and I’ve read that the process of decaffeination in coffee, involved chemicals so I chose the “healthier option”.
Now, it seems, my last vice can really be a heathy. In fact, super healthy! A friend of mine and her husband have developed something really exciting, coffee that isn’t just NOT bad for you but really IS good for you! 💃🕺
Just one cup of Exhale Coffee, is the equivalent in antioxidants to 55 oranges, or 2.2kg of kale or 12 punnets of blueberries! Exhale is also packed with nutrients, including niacin which is extremely helpful for stress and depression. My first packet arrived this week, and it’s tastes delicious. Because the beans are roasted every Monday and then posted every Tuesday, the coffee is so fresh and smells and tastes amazing. There’s even more good news, the decaf version tastes exactly the same and there are no nasties in it at all.
I am so excited for Alex and Kirsty, who have developed this delicious organic coffee, sustainably packed. They have very kindly offered my followers a 25% discount on the first packet, if you subscribe to a weekly or monthly delivery of @exhale. Just use the discount code Lizzie25. Of course, if you want to order just one pack to begin with, you can also try before you subscribe. Finally, our guilty pleasure could be one of best things you do for your body every day! #healthylifestyle Please follow @yourexhale and follow their link to order or go to