Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Healthy Coffee!
Now, it seems, my last vice can really be a heathy. In fact, super healthy! A friend of mine and her husband have developed something really exciting, coffee that isn’t just NOT bad for you but really IS good for you! 💃🕺 Just one cup of Exhale Coffee, is the equivalent in antioxidants to 55 oranges, or 2.2kg of kale or 12 punnets of blueberries!
Beautiful Announcement
I’m so excited to finally share with you a project I have been working in for the last few months. I have recorded 5 new mastered guided meditations for Loose Women host Andrea McLean’s wonderful website for women, This Girl is On Fire!
Beautiful Health
Meditation, it’s better than sitting around doing nothing. It’s also good for you physically, including boosting your immune system. When we are stressed and anxious, hormones cortisol and adrenaline are pumped too quickly through our bodies. If this happens too often, our adrenal glands become exhausted and this damages our immune system.
Beautiful Immune Booster - Do you need to kick your immune system into touch?
If you are suffering from fatigue, or winter colds and flu then it’s time to really address what you’re putting into your body. Your immune system will be needing lots of help and it’s up to you to keep the engine going.
Juices and smoothies are a fast way to get straight to the problem. This one has a real kick to it.
Beautiful Opportunity - What is stopping you realising your dreams and goals?
Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolutions, did you complete dry January or Veganuary?
Whether it’s something you want to give up such as smoking, drinking or sugar. Or you are looking for motivation to study, exercise or move on to a happy place in your life, it always starts with a thought.
Beautiful Healing Food - Kung Hei Fat Choy or Happy New Year!
I recently had a delicious Chinese meal in Soho in London. Being vegan and a bit of a health nut, there was plenty to choose from.
I love the Chinese culture, and particularly its approach to healing through foods.
Rather like Ayurvedic medicine, the Chinese approach is all about energy and elements in food and herbs.
Beautiful Moon Milk - A Natural Sleep Remedy
There are some delicious recipes out there for natural sleeping remedies. This one I came across, includes one of my favourite anti-stress ingredients, magical Ashwagandha.
Lauren Glucina’s Ascension Kitchen, which is full of wonderful recipes and is incredibly informative and this is my pick of the day.
Beautiful Feeling
When you think about your future hopes and dreams, do you think about what they are or how you would feel of you had them? It’s very easy to decide what we think we need to make life better. For example, more money, a new job, or a partner to make us happy. The problem with this is, you are limiting your possibilities. If you think your happiness only lies travelling down one specific path, you are preventing other options.
Beautiful Analogy
Deep within is all is a place of peace. At times it is very hard to find that place. Our day to day lives and the distractions within them, prevent us from taking a moment to reach into that quiet place.
Beautiful Thought
I love this. I think the owner of this van, wants to make the world a better place. The point about worrying is that we do it before something has actually happened. When and if the moment of impact comes, we don’t worry we either fight or fly.
Beautiful Working Day
Unfortunately we cant all sit on a beach and meditate like this every day. But can take ourselves off in our mind to a beach in meditation for a moment or two. 7.5 million U.K. workers suffer from mental health problems in the workplace, and sadly 44% do not tell their employers.
Beautiful City
I have been working in London for last few days. It’s such a beautiful city and so full of vibrancy and culture.
I also love the anonymity of a large city, living in a small town can feel as if you living in a goldfish bowl.