Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Healthy Coffee!
Now, it seems, my last vice can really be a heathy. In fact, super healthy! A friend of mine and her husband have developed something really exciting, coffee that isn’t just NOT bad for you but really IS good for you! 💃🕺 Just one cup of Exhale Coffee, is the equivalent in antioxidants to 55 oranges, or 2.2kg of kale or 12 punnets of blueberries!
Beautiful Snack
Be kind to your body, think beautifully about your eating. Healthy eating is so important.
My recipe discovery this week is a delicious vegan recipe for Peanut Butter Energy Balls. Created by the amazing blogger The Little Plantation.
Beautiful Thought
I love this. I think the owner of this van, wants to make the world a better place. The point about worrying is that we do it before something has actually happened. When and if the moment of impact comes, we don’t worry we either fight or fly.
Beautiful Working Day
Unfortunately we cant all sit on a beach and meditate like this every day. But can take ourselves off in our mind to a beach in meditation for a moment or two. 7.5 million U.K. workers suffer from mental health problems in the workplace, and sadly 44% do not tell their employers.
Beautiful Breakfast
This is the part where I bow down to the food experts and this week it’s Life of Goodness. This recipe is a delicious and nutritious start to your day. Frozen bananas, almonds, almond milk, cinnamon, hemp seeds and lots more goodies. Almonds are picked full of vitamin E and are great for weight management too. Cinnamon is great for metabolism and bananas have lots of potassium.
Beautiful Breathing
When I teach meditation, I’m often discussing with my class how to stop the brain chatter, the thoughts that seem to pop up. Not being able to concentrate or to clear the mind, is often the reason most people feel they can’t meditate.
Suzanne Lockhart
Once in a while a book comes along that can change your life and we think we’ve found that very book - Mad Diet. Don’t be fooled by the title, its author Suzanne Lockhart isn’t another health guru peddling yet another new diet.