Kate Shapland
We think there is something so reassuring, when an extremely well-respected beauty expert launches a beauty product. So when award-winning writer Kate Shapland, launched her company Legology, we were very excited.
Three years on and a lot of beautifully transformed legs later, we talked to Kate about her inspiring life for our Beautiful Women’s page. She began her career at Harpers and Queen Magazine, working in the fashion department, but her passion was beauty and when she was offered an opportunity to review a spa she jumped at it. Since then she hasn’t looked back and is now one of the most well known beauty writers in the industry. After 14 years writing a column for The Telegraph, alongside free-lancing for and appearing on TV, Kate put all her knowledge and expertise into developing the ultimate leg care brand, Legology.
“I spent 3 years developing the first product our hero Air-Lite with a French chemist”, Kate explained, “I wanted to make a properly effective solution to deeply unsexy issues like fluid retention and heaviness and cellulite”. In our opinion, Legology is the answer, Kate’s honest approach coupled with her wisdom for her product means she has developed a range that will offer women lighter, more contoured legs. “I believe our customer responds to a gentle and charming approach to beauty with products they know they can depend on and always have a place in the bathroom cabinet.”.
Her Cellu-Lite oil for example not only feels amazing on the skin but can also be used as a luxury bath oil too. We have tried all of Legology’s system and loved it, and in particular we were amazed at how lighter our legs felt moments after rubbing in the Air-Lite cream.
We asked Kate about her own body too, and what she did to look after herself. Now 55, she has been tackling the menopause and opted for a natural approach. “I tried HRT, and it wasn’t for me, in fact I hated it”, she told us, “I put on weight, and it made me feel depressed”. Kate drinks a lot more water now, doesn’t drink alcohol and takes a pro-biotic supplement. She did find some relief in drinking soya milk, which contains natural estrogen, which for some women has eased menopausal symptoms.
We are grateful to Kate answering our 5 Beautiful Thinking questions below and look forward to watching Legology continue to grow into possibly the best products available for Beautiful Legs.
1. What’s the best thing about getting older?
A better sense of self. You know who you are, you know what you know and what makes you tick. I’ve also found that with age comes better consolidation of friendships, particularly among women who are a similar age and can empathise with this stage in life. There seems to be camaraderie over shared ground that isn’t necessarily there when you are younger.
2. Who is your female inspiration and why?
I’m inspired by anyone – male or female – who lives life on their terms, so isn’t particularly swayed by the cultural and fashionable trends of the day. I also find that people who are interested in people are attractive and inspiring.
3. What’s your top tip for growing old gracefully, perhaps one beauty tip?
Never stop trying to learn more about everything in life. Being interested in things, inquiring and open to new ideas makes you a graceful adult and keeps you young. My top beauty tip would be to get enough sleep, and if you aren’t sleeping particularly well at night (an age-related issue for many of us) don’t feel bad about grabbing an hour in the day. Being rested makes you feel happier and look better.
4. What would your younger self say to you now?
Not to waste time on people or things that don’t deliver an esteemable return. To trust my intuition so I’m quicker to act on this, putting the distance in as soon as I recognise situations for what they are. Life is too short not to have the sun on your face and the wind behind you at all times.
5. What are your dreams for your future?
To see Legology, the leg care brand I’ve spend some years developing, become the success I know it can be. To own a Welsh cob and a walled garden. To spend more time with my family and less on my laptop.