Beautiful Contemplation - Take time to heal yourself with a short meditation


Imagine for a moment how this planet and the Universe came to exist. Just take some time to recognise how a beautiful event created this state of being. 
Once upon a time, everything was one solid, one large mass, then it fractured into tiny particles. The Universe was born, and you were part of that process and everything you see around you. 
Now consider every human being who created you, not just your parents but your grandparents and all your ancestors since the beginning of time. How amazing is that thought? 
Everything is a beautiful miracle, you are made up of miracles. We are surrounded by that energy that once kept everything in one solid and therefore we are all connected.

Take time to heal yourself today, to sit quietly and meditate. Connect with the energy that keeps everything and everyone beautifully together. #sundaymeditation

Further Meditations - By Lizzie Falconer

Beautiful Calm - Meditation 02
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Beautiful Calm - Meditation 02

Allow Lizzie’s hypnotic voice take you into a deep meditation. Heal yourself at the deepest level. Renew your cells and release stress, and tension with this 40 minute meditation.


Beautiful Imperfection - What on earth is perfect? 


Beautiful Stress Relief