Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Manifesting - Can you really transform your thoughts into reality?
Everything you are, everything you have in your world today, began with a thought. When you truly believed something would happen, and doubt just wasn’t an option, did it happen?
Beautiful Thought - Are you a spectator or a player in life?
It’s sometimes incredibly hard to become motivated when we feel so far away from the life that you want or feel you should have. We glance at others who seem to be having an amazing life, and it can feel so far from reality for us.
Beautiful Love - Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone
My heart and love goes out to everyone, especially those who are alone. I am always saddened to read posts by those who don’t have a partner on Valentine’s Day.
But love comes in many forms, if you look around you there is love. The smile of a stranger, the dedication of a teacher, the faithfulness of a pet and so on.
Beautiful Contemplation - Take time to heal yourself with a short meditation
Imagine for a moment how this planet and the Universe came to exist. Just take some time to recognise how a beautiful event created this state of being. Once upon a time, everything was one solid, one large mass, then it fractured into tiny particles. The Universe was born, and you were part of that process and everything you see around you.