Beautiful Strength

Beautiful Strength - I’ve been recently inviting more inner-strength into my meditation. It has helped me to cope when I’m feeling overwhelmed by everything around me.

Meditation is not just for the spiritual believers, it’s available to us all. Personally, I continue to search for meaning throughout my life and collect my beliefs through various experiences, reading, listening. What’s important for me is that it feels right in my heart. If I feel that connection, and trust the feeling, then it’s right for me. But whatever feels right for you IS right for you too.

If you would like to try this, sit comfortably. Breathe deeply and allow your mind to clear and your body to relax. Imagine a version of you in the distance, a “you” that is strong and calm. See yourself with all the qualities you need to cope with your life right now.

Then begin to invite that version of yourself towards you. Drawing that you like a magnet, until they reach you, finally settling in your body. Then, just sit and feel the strength, calm, peace and wisdom. For me, it’s an extremely helpful experience. Sit for as long as you need and then bring yourself back to the present moment and begin the rest of your day, with this inner strength.

Have a beautiful week. #mondaymotivation


Beautiful Direction


Beautiful Courage