Beautiful Breakthrough
Beautiful Breakthrough - Our lives are so precious, don’t we all owe it to ourselves to cherish and enjoy it all?
It may feel as if you are wading through treacle, and you may have hit many brick walls. But what if a breakthrough, something amazing and wonderful was just around the corner?
If your mind set is programmed to believe in failure, then you may miss something wonderful. Dig a little deeper and you will find that extra- ordinary things happen to ordinary people every day.
If you also believe that somehow you don’t deserve something special to happen to you, you are simply listening to your conditioned mind. Expand your thoughts and accept the notion of endless possibility. While waiting, learn from the mistakes and trauma from the past, let go of your limiting beliefs and provoke your mind into believing “why not me?”.
Despite our need to create hierarchy and put people on pedestals, we are all the same. We are all perfect and yet we are all imperfect too. No one deserve more than someone else, so there is no reason why you don’t deserve magic in your life today. Right?
Let go of judgment of yourself and others. Bring your attention to yourself and those you can bring happiness to. Expect miracles, you are a beautiful being and deserve magic in your life. #magicalrealism