Beautiful You
Beautiful You - You are amazing. You are a beautiful being! Whilst we concentrate on all of those parts of us that others see, there is another part of you, that that’s quite perfect.
Your soul, your spirit, your higher self, your inner being. Whatever you prefer to call it, it’s that part of you that knows you better that anyone one. It’s the wise, pure, undamaged part of you, it loves you and everything around you unconditionally.
Our mind and our body, the humanness of us, can be altered, and damaged. But our souls remain strong and untouchable. I believe that if we work from that deep level of connection with our souls, we can live out our true purpose.
That deep inner knowing, when something does or doesn’t FEEL right, is your soul speaking to you. That incredible inner strength you find, when you really need to keep going, is your soul supporting you.
If we all let go of our programmed brain and allow our soul to speak through our thoughts, we would live in a more beautiful existence.
Your soul loves love, your soul sees the beauty and love in everything. If we connect to it and allow it to guide us, instead of the opinion of others, our lives would flow more in the direction of what is meant for us.
Meditation allows us to connect with the soul. When we are at a deeper level of consciousness we can listen and speak to our inner being.
It’s quite remarkable what we can hear in silence.
How amazing it is, that there is this part of us, that we have the opportunity to bond with, to learn from and to be guided to. As Jung said “he who looks outwards dreams, he looks inwards, awakens”.
So I will remind you again. You are a beautiful being. #mondaymotivation