Beautiful Beliefs

Beautiful Beliefs - Imagine for a moment your mind as a young child. When your curiosity would perhaps take you into a world of wonder and fantasy possibly for hours. Maybe it was losing yourself in a beautiful picture book, studying an earthworm intently at the bottom of the garden or fantasising about being someone amazing, as you modelled the latest costume of choice from the dressing-up box. Fantasy was a available whenever we needed it to be, it was our happy place.

Yet, as we began to step through life, our young impressionable minds started to forget that place and it became smaller and smaller.

As adults, our thoughts no longer come from our own thinking and are replaced with other people’s. We develop beliefs that are born from other people’s beliefs and their’s in turn, came from someone else’s. Traumatic experiences, will of course add to how we feel about ourselves, therefore making sense of anything can be a huge struggle.

Our real sense of self is lost under everyone else’s. Consider for a moment, how many things you do in your life, because you were taught by someone else to do them. How much of what you believe to be true actually comes from you?

These limiting beliefs can prevent our lives from being truly happy, from you living an authentic existence. You are good enough, you are capable enough, you are intelligent, you are beautiful, you are a good person, you are amazing, you are loved and you deserve the best in life just like everyone else!

Start to notice these negative thoughts and ask yourself “is it really true, or has that come from someone else?”. Live in your heart not your head. Meditation can take you to your real self and connect with your heart , not the conditioned mind. I believe you can reach what is meant for you when you no longer absorb the negative thoughts of others. You are enough, it’s time to make your life your own. #limitingbeliefs


Beautiful Growth


Beautiful Heart