Beautiful Changes
Beautiful Changes - Here in the U.K. many of us are finding this third lockdown so much more difficult. Of course, it’s not easy anywhere right now. January can be a tough month under normal circumstances, the cold, the dark, and the post Christmas feeling. Time feels as if it is really dragging for some.
As a child I was incredibly lucky to have a garden to play in , and every January a blanket of Snowdrops would appear, followed by Aconites and Daffodils. Spring was appearing, and nature was changing. I still feel that nostalgia now when I see them on my walks.
It’s hard to see a change when every day feels the same. But if you look for change you will find it. Little signs to remind us that we are always moving forward and there is always hope. Mother Nature reminds us that time keeps moving, and that we are always evolving.
If you don’t have the access to nature, perhaps plant some seeds in a pot and nurture them. A lovely way to give children a positive perspective that nothing ever stays the same. Watch your seeds grow and everyday you will see small hopeful changes.
In meditation, imagine planting seeds, each one representing something you want to grow in your life. Visualise preparing the earth, sewing the seeds and watering them. Watch the roots growing deep and strong and the stems growing taller until the flowers and leaves bloom. Know that everything changes and life is always moving, even if it’s not so apparent right now. #hopeforthefuture
Photo credit @unsplash @valentinsalja #unsplash #valentinsalja