Beautiful Thoguhts

Beautiful Thoughts Lizzie Falconer Beautiful Thoughts Lizzie Falconer

Beautiful Ritual - The Shamanic way to get rid of negativity 

Shaman have been walking this Earth longer than any other spiritual group. They are said to originate from Scandinavia, but most us associate them with South America.

It’s hard to describe Shaman in a few short sentences, but I consider them to be powerful medicine healers who work with the elements and our energy. But when you really look into it, it actually makes perfect sense. 

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Beautiful Thoughts Lizzie Falconer Beautiful Thoughts Lizzie Falconer

Beautiful Monday

Ok, let’s do this, let’s make this the week of some new beginnings. Let’s even perform a miracle or two. 
Think about what you really want and take that leap of faith. You are more capable and amazing that you realise. You can change your life and you can reach your full potential. 

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