Beautiful Thoguhts
Beautiful Thought - Are you a spectator or a player in life?
It’s sometimes incredibly hard to become motivated when we feel so far away from the life that you want or feel you should have. We glance at others who seem to be having an amazing life, and it can feel so far from reality for us.
Beautiful Opportunity - What is stopping you realising your dreams and goals?
Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolutions, did you complete dry January or Veganuary?
Whether it’s something you want to give up such as smoking, drinking or sugar. Or you are looking for motivation to study, exercise or move on to a happy place in your life, it always starts with a thought.
Beautiful Happiness - How to be happy
What makes you happy? Being embraced by someone you love or time with your friends? A holiday, an adventure perhaps? Or maybe that beautiful pair of shoes you just bought? The things is, that these are moments, and they will all change with time. The holiday will end, the shoes will become worn and our loved ones have lives to get on with too.
Beautiful Monday
Ok, let’s do this, let’s make this the week of some new beginnings. Let’s even perform a miracle or two.
Think about what you really want and take that leap of faith. You are more capable and amazing that you realise. You can change your life and you can reach your full potential.
Beautiful Feeling
When you think about your future hopes and dreams, do you think about what they are or how you would feel of you had them? It’s very easy to decide what we think we need to make life better. For example, more money, a new job, or a partner to make us happy. The problem with this is, you are limiting your possibilities. If you think your happiness only lies travelling down one specific path, you are preventing other options.
Beautiful You - Restoring Confidence
I’m on a mission, a mission to restore confidence in those who need it. Part of my work is with young people, and it’s a privilege and a joy. But I find myself deeply troubled by the lack of confidence and self esteem in so many of them.
Beautiful Question
So much of what we dream about doing, never happens because we think we will fail. The person we are up until this very moment, is down to our experiences.
Beautiful Hugs
Today are two “official” days. It’s Blue Monday today and it’s Hugging Day. It’s seems to me that one should cancel out the other actually. Blue Monday was recognised back in 2015 by a travel show. It’s is meant to be the bluest day of the year, in the depths of January and Winter.