Beautiful Humanity
In these uncertain and frightening times, it’s so comforting to be reminded that there is still good in this World.
Accounts of the extraordinary bravery of the NHS heroes, leaving their families and risking their lives to save us. Or someone like the wonderfully heart warming, 99 year old Captain Tom Moore raising £29 million by walking in his garden. Not forgetting, of course, all the other people here and abroad, working and volunteering to keep us fed and safe.
As we remain at home, we may feel useless, but there is still so much we can do. I for one, couldn’t be without my friends. I have been so lucky to have someone to talk to when I needed to. When there is no deadline, conversations seem deeper and more meaningful. To them, thank you so much. 🙏🏻 Talking to someone today, could make a huge difference to their mental well-being. If you know someone who needs to talk, then please make that call or text. If you don’t have someone to call please reach out to the Samaritans and of course you are welcome to message me. #humanity