Beautiful Thinking

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Beautiful Self Awareness

Beautiful Self Awareness - How are you feeling today? What do you plan to do for you today?

For some, it’s a real challenge to acknowledge and control our own lives. It’s so much easier to control something or someone else than to focus on our stuff.

If we aren’t in control of our own thoughts and feelings, it can make us vulnerable, and before we know it we are being controlled by others. So the vicious cycle begins as they in turn, would rather distract themselves with trying to change you than focussing on their own agenda too.

Taking control of your life, can be daunting, but so necessary for your inner peace. Focus on what you really want from life, and if what you’re doing isn’t contributing to that, don’t waste your valuable energy or time.

Define who and what matters in your life, really consider those things that will help you with your dreams, goals and needs. If you find yourself preoccupied with anything that doesn’t contribute to this life portrait, move on.

It’s possible to spend a whole life concerning ourselves with what others are doing, thinking or saying. This is energy spent, and none of it will enhance you and your life. Be passionate and interested in the World around you, but never at the expense of your mental and physical well-being. The judgement of others is based on their own insecurities and short falls, and by allowing those opinions into your life, you are unburdening them of their responsibility to focus on their own lives.

Let go and stay in your own lane. Remember you are only human and that at any given point you are one decision or choices away from change. Surround yourself with what serves your life with love, health, happiness, wisdom, and peace. Don’t settle for anything less, because you deserve a beautiful life.
