Beautiful Health
Beautiful Health - Mental Health Week this week, couldn’t be be more important. As we emerge from lockdown and gradually adjust to our wider surroundings again, for many this hasn’t been an easy transition.
We are creatures of habit, and the human brain connects with repetition and finds comfort in it.
Despite all the pain and suffering from the pandemic, many have realised that less is more, and the idea of having to go back to the madness of a fast paced, pressurised lifestyle is daunting, if not terrifying. This prospect can induce fear and anxiety, and in some cases, full blown panic attacks.
With mental unrest, our bodies are compromised. Our nervous system goes into survival mode and the effect is felt in every organ and cell in our body. The Vagas Nerve which is found in our neck is the transmitter for our entire nervous system. If it’s working properly it will help keep our body and our minds heathy and balanced.
It is the control centre for the function of our lungs, our blood pressure, our heart rate, gut health, our immune system, as well as anxiety and depression.
There are many ways in which we can take care of the Vagas Nerve, regularly taking at least six deep slow breaths in and and out, are said to “massage” this area. Meditation and yoga, walking, fasting, massage and singing are just a few ways in which we can help our Vagus Nerve.
Remember you are the most important person in your life. Look after yourself first and then you can take care of everyone and everything around you. Let go of what really doesn’t matter, and do what you’re meant to your life. Have a beautiful day. #vegasnerve