Beautiful Expansive Mind
Beautiful Expansive Mind - The American poet Mary Oliver said “keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable”.
It’s difficult to imagine extraordinary, random, wonderful things happening when we are feeling so restricted. But of course, they can happen and for some perhaps they already are?
Yet without an open mind we leave little room for anything amazing to take place. If we limit our beliefs, we limit our life’s true potential. If you only believe your life is going in one direction, putting all your trust in one method, one system, you may miss a whole new beautiful existence.
Even within the boundaries of lockdown, there are things to explore. We can still learn from books, on line lectures, listening to podcasts, exploring the planet on line and TV, through films and documentaries. We can seek help and solace through the wisdom of others, it just takes an open heart and an open mind. Allow your mind and heart to open to something new, take yourself on an adventure of exploration. For me, my mind is opened every time I meditate, there is a world within that takes a life time to explore.
Actually, Mary Oliver wrote so many beautiful things. Despite her passing in 2019, so much of her work is relevant and offers wisdom and insight to many of us today. Perhaps discovering her, would be an adventure for you?