Beautiful Hugs

Beautiful Hugs - Today is official Hugging Day! Sadly, for those who love to hug it’s tough with social distancing. If like me you’re a hugger, the world feels really strange when you can’t embrace people and share love.

But there’s always trees! Following on from my prediction that we are all going to see a Hippie revival post this pandemic, tree hugging is a good practice.

Interestingly, scientists are discovering that it’s not that “out there” after all. Matthew Silverstone author of the book Blinded By Science, has discovered some intriguing and beneficial facts around humans and trees.

His studies have found that spending time near trees can reduce stress, help with concentration and depression. It can even elevate headaches.

Children who spend time in woods and forests, have shown significant signs of improvement in their cognitive skills, their focus and dealing with emotional issues.

Silverstone has discovered that it’s all to do with the vibrations that trees emit. The frequency connects with our own and raises our vibration.

If you can’t or don’t want to hug a tree, wrap your arms around yourself. Give yourself a huge hug, and remind yourself how amazing and special you are. #huggingday


Beautiful Purpose


Beautiful View