Beautiful Reflection
Beautiful Reflection - Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if we didn’t have mirrors? According to studies, a child doesn’t recognise themselves in a mirror until between 15 and 18 months old. Before that time they assume that the reflection they see is another person, and in fact they are right.
What we see in a mirror isn’t a true depiction of ourselves at all. Our opposite looks back at us and we “appear” to most people, more attractive as our brains sees a more symmetrical person. For those who have body dysmorphia, the brain obsesses with our “faults” and this of course, can be very damaging.
A more realistic image is the person you would see in a photograph (a selfie is a mirror image, so again not your true self), although remember you are only seeing yourself from a particular angle.
Conjure up an image of yourself in your mind , and ask yourself which version of you is that person you see? Is that the real you, or is it a distorted image of you?
If we are to understand ourselves, and learn to like or dare I say it, love ourselves, we must first begin to get know who we really are. Really looking at the body that we use as our home, and acknowledging all that it does for us is more real. Whether we want to change something about ourselves or accept and love the things we can not change, we need to return our attention to our real selves, not the person in the mirror.
Furthermore, if the person in the mirror doesn’t actually exist, how can you manifest your dreams? Imagine the real you as you look down at your body and become reacquainted, seeing that person fulfilling your goals and wishes. When you reconnect with your true being who’s sense of self and wonder of life, was open to all possibilities, can the real you make things happen...for you! #manifestyourdreams