Beautiful Intention

Beautiful Intention - What do you wish for in your life?

There’s a theory that you can manifest what ever you want, all you have to do is believe you can have it and it will manifest. I think, to a certain degree that’s true but, there’s a great deal of small print attached to that.

One of those caveats, I believe, is intention. The very meaning of most things in our lives can completely change because of intention.

For example, negative behaviour from others can cause huge pain and disruption. However, when we ask ourselves what the real intention was, behind the behaviour, it’s often much more complex. People’s reactions and attitude come from a combination of mental well-being, upbringing, conditioning and the effects of life events. If we all stepped back and remembered that, perhaps there would be more compassion and less anger in the world.

Setting a positive intention is like striking a match to light the fire of possibility. After all, you’re not even in with a chance of winning the lottery unless you buy a ticket, right? A positive change in your life always starts with your thoughts. So, if you want love and respect from others, for example, do others see you apply love and respect to yourself? How else will they know what you want unless you show them?

My “wish” is to spend more time working and living in Ibiza. So I have started to learn Spanish and joined groups etc. This is me lighting my match of intention. It’s working with the energy, giving it focus and letting the universe know what I really want.

Letting go of what’s not meant for you is important too. Don’t waste your energy or intentions travelling down dead end roads, you will stall, or stop something even better. There is no reason why you shouldn’t have the best in life, if you don’t believe that, ask yourself where that thought came from.

Start the rest of your life with the best intentions. Place your energy and actions into the life your really deserve. #intentionsetting


Beautiful Teaching


Beautiful Growth