Beautiful Soul
Beautiful Soul - Yesterday, I went to our local town, as I passed people chatting in the streets, there was only one topic of conversation on the agenda. With lockdown looming here in the U.K. everyone has something to say about it. Everyone has an opinion, a story to tell, a frustration to share. Are we allowing our minds to be cluttered with worrying and how much can you actually control? The irony is, worrying and stressing causes our bodies to go into fight or flight continuously, this exhausts our adrenal glands and then before we know it our immune system is compromised. You can see where I’m going with this, a healthy immune system is what we need most right now! Clearing your mind couldn’t be more important, setting aside time to control your thoughts, rather than letting them control you. For a short while each day switching off “Covid thoughts” is going to be good for your health. * Recognise what’s in your control and what isn’t, worrying about the future is destructive for your mental health. Focus on you and your Health and Well-Being, so your future self will cope. Do what you can, not what you can’t. * Limit looking at your phone and the news on TV. * Find a distraction, listen to uplifting music, dance in your kitchen, watch a happy film! * Declare November self love and care month. Invest in you! * Read that book, start learning a new language (or brush up on one you’re rusty with). Learn a skill, there’s an on line course for most things these days. * Sign up for a yoga or some other meditative class. Walk each day and keep moving. * Be creative with your time, discover something new about you. Don’t look back and regret using this time wisely. Listen to your soul not your mind, not everything your head tells you is true. Focus on life beyond this, don’t be distracted. It will pass. * Create new topics to talk about. Meditation will help and if you can’t do it by yourself there are always guided meditations. Some are available on my website, designed to clear your mind and take you on an out of body experience. #inspirationalquotes