Beautiful Understanding
Beautiful Understanding - It’s so easy to take offence or become judgmental when we witness or are on the receiving end of someone else’s “bad” behaviour.
For some, it’s easy to question from the sidelines as to why the addict can’t “just can’t give up”. Or why the anorexic can’t “just eat something?”.Or perhaps the angry person can’t “calm down”, or the depressed person can’t “just pull themselves together!”
As a therapist, of course it’s my job to look beyond the behaviour and find the root cause. Whether it’s the childhood trauma, or the inexplicable grief or loss from the past, perhaps the bullying at school. Or maybe the drip drip drip effect from a lack of love, respect, and care sometime during their life.
Its so important to offer love and support, and if they aren’t ready (because pain can be the only friend they can trust), just let them know you will be there when they are. Hold that space for them for when they want it.
If it’s necessary to protect yourself, do just that. But when we change our perspective to one of compassion, even from a distance, in turn, we’re offering an opportunity for them to change too.
Most of us will experience emotional pain in our lives at some point, if it’s not your turn, help others. #holdingspace